The Suffolk Centre committee has now received information on the Club/Rallies. We understand that the National event, end of May, has been cancelled and those attending will be contacted in due course. The Club site network remains open and they are not advising, at this time, that rallies should be cancelled. However, all social events associated with a rally should not proceed – anything such as a Dinner Dance or other form of social gathering should be cancelled or postponed. All meetings in enclosed spaces (such as committee meetings) are to be postponed. This we have done but will arrange reports via email to keep members updated. However, whether a rally should run or not is being left to Centres, and taking advice, looking at the current Government advice, what other Centres are doing, Suffolk Committee has taken the very hard decision to cancel all rallies in our programme to the weekend of 1st June. This will involve: Peewit at Felixstowe, Forest Camping at Tangham, VE Day at...