Air Ambulance Cheque Presentation

On Sunday 9th February 2025, the Centre held its Natter and Chatter at Hallowtree. Roy Swain from East Anglian Air Ambulance gave a presentation on what this vital service does. At the end of the presentation, our Chairman, Ron King, presented him with a Helicopter Cheque for the sum of £1694.82p. ...
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Qualifying dates for annual trophy and Fellowship plaques.

Qualifying dates for annual trophy and Fellowship plaques. Many members will know that the qualifying dates for these has been AGM to AGM, which is confusing for everyone involved. The committee has taken the decision to bring this in line with everything else in the Centre, to help for future job roles, so for the 2024 awards all rallies attended from post AGM 2023 to end December 2024 will qualify. The awards for 2025 will be from January-December 2025 rallies attended. This has made no difference to the order obtained for those in line for the Don Alcock Annual overall trophy - we made sure to check this first. Fellowship plaques will be automatically awarded - qualifying number shortly to be decided by committee. J Dobson, Centre Secretary...
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Nina Taylor

We have been contacted by John Taylor about Nina to let members know about the funeral details. Nina's funeral will be held at Colchester Crematorium at 12.15 on Monday 30th December. It is family flowers only but there will be the opportunity to make donations to the British Heart Foundation....
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Very Sad News

It is with great sadness that we have today been informed by John Taylor that after a short illness Nina Taylor passed away yesterday. It has been a huge shock to us and no doubt to all those that knew John and Nina - longstanding members, helpers and marshals for this Centre. He has asked we post this to let members know. As we learn anything more we will let members know but at this time all we have been able to do is to pass on our deep sadness and condolences to John and his family....
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Sad News

We have been asked by David Mills (South Essex Chairman) to advise you all of the sad passing of Alan Leslie on 14th September. He has served as a South Essex Chairman for 3 years, South Essex Secretary for 5 years, and Regional Secretary for 7 years. He made many friends in South Essex and the other Centres within the Region during this time. His funeral will be held at Pitsea on Wed 16th October at 10.30am and there will be a live link available. If anyone wishes to attend the funeral, please email
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Suffolk Centre Committee Nominations

Dear Members Nominations for the 2024/25 committee have now closed. Right to the last minute this Centre was without a nomination for Chairman. The Centre was 100% close to the point of issues for the next 3 months and the real possibility of it failing. For some it was not their intention to stand for any committee post this coming year. A full list of the nominations can be found here. It has been made clear though, that for several of this years nominees, their nomination will be for this coming year only and will not be submitted again for the 2025 AGM. If the Centre is unable to form a committee at AGM 2025 then it will fail. Many of us do not want to see this Centre go the way of others, so it will be up to members over the coming year to decide. This years AGM will be held at Trinity Park on Sunday 13th October, membership card must be...
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St Ives/Hemingford Annual Bonfire Rally.

We have received an invitation  for Suffolk Centre members to join the Mid Anglia Centre on their Bonfire Spectacular 2024 rally which is running from 12:00 Thursday  7th November 2024 to 14:00 Sunday 10th November 2024. Caravans and Motorhomes can arrive from Thursday 1200.  Friday evening soup and rolls, weather permitting. Saturday, free and easy.  Saturday evening large bonfire and firework display. Fun fair, side stalls, food and drink outlets organised by the firework committee.  Estimated cost for rally will be £35.00 (TBC).  This includes family ticket plus 2 nights site fee, admin, social and VAT.  Extra night is at extra cost. Mid Anglia will be acting on behalf of the Hemingford Firework Display Committee. Bookings can be made the via Mid Anglia website or if you contact Alan Dobson, Suffolk Centre Rally Secretary , he can provide you with the phone number and email address for the Rally Marshals. ...
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October AGM

Are you one of our regular members or perhaps as yet, not been able to venture out with us on a rally?  If a new member, do you know how we operate from year to year? All Club Centres are run by volunteers, Club members like yourself, who have got involved in one way or another.  Some get involved by supporting us as and when they can, to some it’s almost a way of life that our caravan or motorhome revolves around. We have those that attend rallies and help where they can, those that volunteer to organise a rally, and those that come forward to be on the committee that we need to have each year to be able to function. Life has changed greatly from even before the pandemic struck, and we are so grateful to all those who have managed to stay with us.  Each year, we have to hold an AGM, being part of CAMC, and all the committee...
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Sad News – Mick Prentice

It is with great sadness we report that Mick Prentice passed away peacefully on Saturday 23rd March 2024. As many of you will know Mick along with Eve, his wife were strong stalwarts of Suffolk Centre over many years, involved in running rallies at weekends and also Holiday Rallies. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mick’s family at this time. He is now joining Eve, which has been his wish since her passing six years ago. ...
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2024 Rally Information

For anyone who was not already aware, the 2024 Rally details have been uploaded to the events pages of the website. An updated PDF of the 2024 Rally Book can also be found here, Due to issues relating to the printing of those books that were posted out, if you have an issue obtaining an address for sending rally slips to a marshal, then please send an email to the secretary, who will be please to help you whilst the issue with the printed rally books is being resolved.   ...
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Sad News

We are sad to advise that we have been notified that on the 31st October 2023, Ann Knights passed away aged 98. Ann and Alex Knights were well known in the Suffolk Centre for running  many rallies in days gone by. Funeral arrangements will be published when they are available. Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time.  ...
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Committee Nominations for 2024

Nominations are now closed for the Suffolk Centre Committee 2024. The final list of nominations can be found here. Only those members registered with the Centre, as at 35 days prior to the meeting and listed by the Club, will be given AGM paperwork and a voting form. Janet Dobson, Suffolk Centre Secretary....
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Committee Nominations for AGM

As we creep closer to our AGM in October. The one thing, above all else, that the Centre will need if it is to survive, is a Committee to enable proposed rallies to be agreed and the general functioning of the Centre in 2024. Come Sunday we will be three weeks to the closing of nominations on Sunday 1st October. Please bear this in mind over the coming weeks – nomination forms are in the handbook – or you can apply to have an email version once you have agreement from 2 members willing to act as Proposer and Seconder. An electronic nomination form can be downloaded here. Every role is open for applications, the whole committee stand down each year, and if you may be interested, but not sure of the role, you only have to ask. Quite a few Centres have disappeared over the last few years, let’s not see Suffolk Centre go the same way. This may sound harsh but it’s a fact...
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Sur Fuller Funeral details.

For all those that are interested, We have been advised that the funeral of Sue Fuller is to take place on Friday 25th August 2023 at 10am. It will be at Christ Church, Grange Farm Avenue, Felixstowe IP11 2XD near Morrisons Supermarket The wake for Sue will be held within the church building after the service....
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Sad News

We sadly have been advised that Sue Fuller, the wife of Brian Fuller, passed away yesterday (Sunday 6th August) after a long illness. Brian and Sue were active members with the centre in days gone by and also owned ‘Brian Fuller Caravans’ at Farnham before it became ‘David Hope Caravans’. The date and time of the funeral will be announced in due course....
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Sad News

For those of you who remember Peter & Thelma Pettit, long time ralliers for many years until Peter passed away. We have been notified that Thelma sadly passed away on the 1st July. Thelma’s funeral will be taking place 27th July at the West Suffolk Crematorium, Risby, Nr Bury St Edmunds, 11:00 Thursday 27th July, followed by a wake at The Fox in Ousden. Our condolences are with the family....
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The Anglia Region is going to the Dogs

The Region is thinking about arranging an evening to Romford Greyhound Stadium the weekend of 10th-12th November 2023. The vans will be sited at Chelmer Valley High School, Chelmsford, Essex. Friday and Saturday nights. They hope to have a get together Natter & Chatter on Friday in the school (bring your own tipple). Saturday afternoon, meeting the coach to take you to Romford Stadium, where you will have a 3 course meal while watching the dog racing. Your bets and drinks can be ordered from your table. The return coach will be  around 11pm. For a cost of approximately of £60 per person for the weekend (excluding drinks and bets) They need to know numbers of people interested in attending by the 30th April to see if it is viable. They also have to pay for the evening at the Dogs in full at the time of booking. If you wish to attend then please email: to be included....
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Sad News

The committee has received the sad news that June Everson, a past member and Rally Marshall, with her husband Russell, passed away on 18th February. The family are welcoming people to attend the funeral, which will be held at Seven Hills Crematorium, Nacton on Monday 20th March at 3:45pm....
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Anglia Region AGM

This is a reminder to let you all know that the Anglia Region AGM is on 13th November 2022. There is a rally that weekend to coincide with this at Hallowtrees Scout Camp, Nacton, Ipswich in Suffolk. All the information for this and how to book is on the North Essex website. As you are aware all positions on the Committee are vacant, I intend to stand for Chairman as John Kent is standing down. I would like a Vice Chairman. Treasurer and Secretary to make up the Committee. All nominations have to be received by Gary Pyett, Secretary of the Region no later than Sunday 30th October 2022. These can be sent by email to Hopefully I will get a chance of meeting you all soon. Regards. Paul Maran Anglia Region Vice Chairman...
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Thank You From Guide Dogs

Following a recent fundraiser in aid of the Guide Dogs at the A Day At The Races rally in Newmarket, Karen Reed has received a thank you from them, which she has asked be shared with centre members. A copy of the letter can be found here...
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Committee Nominations Are Open

Please note that nominations for the 2022/23 committee can now be submitted and must be with the secretary and validated by noon Sunday 3rd October. All posts are open for any member to stand. To be nominated, you can: Either complete the nomination form in your handbook, obtaining two signatures from currently registered Centre members. This can then be either posted or handed to the secretary. Alternatively you can download a form here and email it to the secretary, who will then contact, by email, those nominating you. When providing their email addresses, you will need to ensure the email address is that already registered with the centre/club for their membership. Their reply will then be held as their signature. You will need to allow time for the emails to be sent and received by 2nd October. Further AGM details can be found here....
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Anglia Region AGM & Children in Need Rally

Please see update below from John Kent, Anglia Region Chairman: Anglia Region AGM & Children in Need Rally Hallowtrees Scout Camp Ipswich IP10 OJP 11th - 13th November 2022. Rally Opens 12 noon on Friday and closes 3pm Sunday Marshalls North Essex Centre and John & Jasmine Kent Rally Slips to Joy Threadgold. Email or Tel No Joy 07711 874275 or John 07410552159 Site fee £9.50 per van per night + Admin + The Meal Only on Saturday Night + Vat Programme: Friday night is Children in Need Night, we plan to have some light-hearted fun and games to raise money for the charity. We will be selling bacon buttes during the evening with all the proceeds going to Children in Need. Raffle tickets will be on sale (donations of prizes would be appreciated) also during the evening there will be a special appearance of a well know Girl Band from the 90's. Saturday free and easy during the day, we start the evening with a 2-course meal followed by live entertainment till...
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Welsh National Caravan Rally

We have been advised that the Welsh centres have got together to put on the Welsh National Caravan Rally over the August Bank Holiday. Further information can be found on the Welsh National Flyer here....
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Message from Carol and Ivan Hook

We have received a message from one of our longstanding members, Ivan and Carol Hook, via Chris Sanderson, as they have decided to call it a day. Their message is below. Dear friends - after much soul searching we have decided it’s now the time to retire from our life as caravaners. Not an easy decision to make, as we have met some wonderful and lovely people and we know how much we will miss their company and friendship, gained over the forty years plus staying on club sites or on rally’s. Our first caravan was an ABI Monza which proved a lovely starting point for us. Compared to modern caravans it’s features were somewhat basic with foot operated water pump and the like but to us it was the bee’s knees. We joined The Caravan Club as most caravaners do to enjoy its many benefits - club sites and competitive insurance etc. Our first taste of rallying was as members of the...
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Rally Books and New Rally Website Updates

All current members should now have received their 2022 rally books, in either printed or PDF form. If you have not received yours yet, then please ensure you renewed to Centre after renewing your Caravan and Motorhome Club membership. If you have not received, but believe you should have, a 2022 rally book, then please contact the secretary, Janet Dobson. Please bear with us whilst all the new rally details are being loaded onto the website these should start to launch in the next few days. May we wish all members, old and new, a happy 2022 and we look forward to seeing you all on a rally field in the coming year. Best wishes Suffolk Centre Committee...
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Following the AGM, the list of rallies for 2022 has been finalised and booking has opened. The final list of rallies can be viewed here. NB: Please note, after the list of 2022 rallies was finalised for the AGM, further rallies were then submitted. Please refer to your rally book of the rally calendar on the website for the most up to date list of rallies....
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RETURN TO THE DORDOGNE HOLIDAY RALLY   LE PARADIS – ST LEON, LA REYBEYROLLE,  ST LEON SUR VEZERE, FRANCE, 24290   Diane has been in touch to say that Alan Rogers wants to put this up on their site but Diane and Paul would like Suffolk members to know first. Rally starts on Monday 27th June to Saturday 9th July 2022. Details are: Relaxing holiday at Le Paradis holiday park in the Dordogne area. 10 amp electric, own water and drainage.  Site website:  Contact Paul Fitch or Diane Preston for a booking form and further information via   ...
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Children In Need Rally

We have been advised that the organisers having to reduce the numbers to ensure the safety and comfort of ralliers Therefore the rally is now full and has a waiting list in operation. Could anyone wishing to send in rally slips please contact the marshals prior to sending. The relevant details can be found in your rally book, Many thanks....
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Important Announcement for AGM 2021

Following a discussion at the committee meeting on 8th September, and with guidance from the club, it has been agreed there will be a change to the operation of the AGM. This will still be held on Sunday 17th October (subject to restrictions at the time) at Trinity Park Ipswich but the AGM pack normally given out on arrival to those members signing in will change. Keeping in mind minimising any risk to members by issuing of paperwork whilst we are still in a Covid19 situation, and to minimise waste and costs, pack will only be available on pre-request and in an emergency. One pack will be given per registered membership number. Emails will be sent to members with this information. The packs will be made available to members on the Centre website shortly after 3rd October 2021 when nominations for committee will close. This will all be within a Word document which members can download, print and bring to the meeting.  The...
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Anglia Region AGM

I am pleased to let you know that the following nominations have been received for the Anglia Region Committee for the forthcoming year.   Chairman              John Kent            Mid Anglia Vice Chairman         Paul Maran           South Essex Treasurer             Brian Clark          South Essex.   Unfortunately there were no nominations for the post of Secretary and I would ask all members to let others know of the vacancy and see if there is someone in your Centre who would like to be involved in the organisation and running of the Anglia Region.   The Anglia Region AGM will be held on Sunday 12th September at 11.00am at Chelmer VAlley High School, Court Road, Broomfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 7ER.   All CAMC members residing in the Anglia Region are invited to attend.   The Agenda and Minutes for the meeting are now available and will be on the Regional Website in due course.      Thanks Kind Regards and Stay Safe Garry                                                                ...
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Covid Update

Following the Government announcement on the 17th May we have had initial contact from the Club as to how these affect any rallies up to the next review date. There are a couple of alterations but as soon as the full details are received we will supply the information to members. We still have to follow the distancing requirement, the numbers able to congregate together etc. Rally marshals may erect a shelter on the rally but this is subject to social distancing when in use and two sides must be uncovered at all times it is being used. No flagpole, envelopes, plaques or socials. Arrangements will be put in place to provide plaques to those attending at a later date....
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Delftse Hout Rally

12-19 September 2021, Holland Rally. Just received a message to say that the Dutch holiday rally has been cancelled. This is something the marshals have done looking at the current circumstances on booking abroad, the uncertainty of the situation in Holland and possible costs of testing and to give everyone a chance to look elsewhere. Not the outcome for the rally hoped for, and the Centre thanks Sheena, Michael, Rosanna, Bob, Tina and Steve for their time and effort in trying to organise this holiday rally....
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Rally Update

We have been advised by the Club that from 12 April rallies may commence again but:      As a siting only exercise – as a campsite, to comply with overnight stays and self-contained accommodation.   No limit to the number units attending only regulation is the gathering of members outside.   Rallies should be run in England for residents of England, no travel to the other devolved Nations until the Club is advised.    Rule of 6 or two households applies to outside gatherings, so ralliers may sit outside in groups meeting this rule. Gatherings in awnings or gazebos are not recommended. Do not compare rallies which are classed as self contained holidays with pubs/restaurants and other hospitality venues. Government has made it clear the rules are different.    Covid Risk Assessments are to be submitted to the Club 7 days before the rally.   No social activities to be organised as part of the rally and this includes refreshments, raffles and plaques and no...
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Sad News

It is with great sadness that we have been told that Bill Ferguson, one of our Past Chairman, long standing committee and rally marshal has passed away in hospital.  Bill only recently gave up caravanning and our sincere condolences are sent to his wife Wendy.  He gave many years of his time to the Centre for which we are grateful.  We will provide further information as it is received....
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Whisky Galore Rally

We are sorry to let members know that the rally at The Angel Inn, Larling, Norfolk over 30 April to 3 May (Bank Holiday) is having to be cancelled. The marshals are very sorry and they will be in contact with those booked on but have been told that the English Whisky Company (guided tour) does not anticipate opening before the 17th May and the Inn/campsite cannot guarantee opening and if they did so would not have outdoor facilities. It is hoped that this rally may be re-scheduled for later in the year if possible....
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Latest Rally Update

We are sure everyone will be pleased to here that Rallies will be allowed to re-start in April 2021. However there will continue to be some restrictions on the rally field in the short term. The Club have provided an update on what is allowed to happen and when, assuming there are no changes to the Government Route Map Out Of Lockdown. The latest Club update on rallies can be read here. For information Step 1 was that rallies continue to be suspended until April....
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Cancelled Rallies

Due to the current restrictions we can confirm that the following rallies have been cancelled: Easter Rally at Trinity Park, Ipswich. Pewit Caravan Park, Felixstowe 9th - 11th April Forest Camping , Tangham 7th - 14th May  as the site will not be opening before 17th May. Those people that are booked on Peewit and Tangham, the Marshalls will be contacting by either email or phone....
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Sad News

To those that knew Les and Pam Wilson, past members of the Centre, who marshalled for us many times were part of the Suffolk Centre sports that went to the National, we have been advised that sadly Les Wilson passed away Monday 1st February. We will provide any further information when it is received....
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Lockdown advice for rallies

Following yesterday’s announcement, further information has now been received regarding rallies. From the message is the following: "Last night’s announcement by the UK Prime Minister confirmed another national lockdown for England. This was preceded by the Welsh and Scottish governments announcing the same restrictions to their nations. Unfortunately this means that all Centre rallies and events are not permitted for the foreseeable future and we do not currently have a time scale as to when this may end. The Club sites will remain closed during this time too. Please communicate to your Centre members and fellow ralliers that we will notify you as soon as we can about any easing of the current restrictions." What "foreseeable future" means for rallies is anyone's guess - website says they will review in accordance with Government guidance. The next Suffolk Centre rally is Easter at the start of April - no doubt we will hear from South Essex about their advertised Dinner Dance rally...
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December 2020 Newsletter

The fifth newsletter of 2020 has arrived! Keep up with the latest news and rally reports via the Suffolk Centre Newsletter. The December 2020 edition includes the following: Suffolk Centre 2020 AGM Report Southwold and Kessingland Rally Reports Ted & Jean Woods Memorabilia Donation A little light humour to brighten the dull days. Find the latest edition here...
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Anglia Region AGM

Following recent developments with Coronavirus and the many restrictions  imposed the Committee has decided that the Anglia Region's AGM will be held via a Zoom meeting with the four executives taking part. The date and time will still be the 15th November at 11.00am. Nominations for the four executive posts closed on the 14th October and the nominations received are as follows : Chairman             John Kent,    Mid Anglia Centre Vice Chairman        Paul Maran,   South Essex Centre Treasurer            Brian Clarke, South Essex Centre Secretary            Janice Kent,  Suffolk Centre Any member wishing to view the meeting will need to contact me for login details at If you have a question to be raised at the AGM could you please send the details to me before the 12th November 2020 and I will pose the question on your behalf.  The answers will be relayed to you via email after the meeting. I do hope that these exceptional circumstances will be resolved in the near future.  Meanwhile can I wish you all good...
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Committee Nominations

With less than a week to nominations closing the list as at Monday 28th September can be found here. We have an experienced volunteer for the Treasurer role for the next year, so if you are interested in the role but don't feel you have the right experience, why not join the committee and learn the role. At present we are still running committee reports, not yet face to face meetings, and new input and ideas are welcomed. Please consider supporting us for 2021.  ...
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Club Updates

Further updates regarding rallies, AGM's and the Test & Trace QR codes have been received from the club and can be read using the following links. Covid Secure Guidance for Rallies ver 1.7 AGM Guidance for Centres, Divisions and Regions 2020 v1.2 QR Codes - Test and Trace...
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AGM Meeting 2020

NOTICE FOR ALL SUFFOLK CENTRE MEMBERS AGM MEETING 2020   Following consultation with the Club the Committee has taken the decision that for 2020 the AGM meeting will have to change in the way that it is operated.  This will now be run as a closed meeting – Centre and Club members will not be able to attend.  This does not mean that members will not be able to take part and have their say. Members will have differing views on this course of action, which we appreciate, but times are not normal and we feel in this way all our Centre members will have the opportunity to be involved and remain safe, not just those who may have attended a face to face meeting.   The following will now apply: DATE AND PARTICIPANTS OF AGM As Trinity Park is unable to host our AGM due to current restrictions, and subsequently the rally, our AGM meeting will now be held onSunday 18th October at which those...
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Latest Rally Guidance

Dear all After the Government’s announcement that new legislation will come into effect on Monday 14 September limiting social gatherings to six people, the general Rule of Six principle is that if you are operating in accordance with current Covid-secure guidance (as rallies are) you will be able to continue doing as you are currently, provided that individual groups obey the Rule of Six. Scotland have followed suit with this legislation, and Wales have since announced that the Rule of Six will apply indoors. It is really important that all aspects of the rally follow the Covid secure guidance previously issued. There should still be no social gatherings on the rally, however groups of up to six may mix (this does not apply to individual households or support bubbles of more than six, who will still be able to gather together). The Rally Officer/Marshal must continue to collect data for NHS Test and Trace purposes. Please ensure that you have a copy of the...
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Anglia Region Rally Cancellation

We have just been advised that the rally at Hallowtree Scout Camp by the Anglia Region over 13 to 15 November is being cancelled and we believe contact will be made with all those booked on. They hope that their AGM will be held that weekend, but they are still in discussion as to how this will take place and will let everyone know in due course....
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AGM Rally Cancellation

AGM 2020. As members will no doubt be aware the next major issue for us will be the AGM. The meeting itself is currently under discussion with an announcement hopefully to be made shortly but what we can confirm is that the rally as advertised in the handbook has been cancelled. We have been advised the venue at Trinity Park will not be available. J Dobson, Secretary...
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Vacant Post – Treasurer

With AGM rapidly approaching, we understand that the post for Treasurer of the Centre will be vacant, as Mark Terry will not be standing for this position for 2021. If anyone is interested, please contact Mark for full details of what is involved. Please consider this as it is one of the vital positions we need to fill....
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Rally Cancellation

We have sadly been advised that another rally has been cancelled. The marshals of Octoberfest at Hallowtree are really sorry and will be getting in touch with all those booked on. Hopefully we may see this in the book next year....
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Latest Covid Club Update

Club Update. We have now received further information on the Risk Assessments required by the Club before a rally is run that will give further information to members and Rally Marshals. Other Centres, like ourselves, have obviously been querying what we are supposed to do and I hope the information will be helpful to everyone.  Any questions please email me at Latest Club Update. Thanks. J Dobson, Secretary...
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Latest Covid Club Update

We have received a message from the Club. It may not concern us for rallies but may be useful for those members off on their travels or visiting family and friends. Message from the Club states: The latest guidance is here. If rallies are run in these areas, There should NOT be any mixing of households within vans or awnings (or any enclosed areas). If you are staying within the affected area you must avoid socialising with people indoors. When in outside areas, in line with the national guidance for England, you can continue to meet in public outdoor spaces in groups of no more than six people, unless the group includes only people from two households. If you are a Club member who resides in one of the affected areas, you are still able to attend a rally in another location, but must continue to observe the rally covid-secure and social distancing protocols in full. We will continue to update members...
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Covid Secure Guidance For Running Rallies

This is the current state of play on rallies today, 27th July 2020, and we hope they now explain to all members what will be involved moving forward. On 21st July we received information from the Club about restarting rallies from the 7th August, but attached to that were forms that Centres would now have to submit before a rally could take place. The Centre Committee felt there were issues that needed to be dealt with and all our concerns were raised to them.  We were therefore at that time not in a position to fully inform members and giving the right information is paramount. The Club undertook a Zoom exercise among the Centres also.  The Club have now responded and we are now able to publish a copy of what we have received. As you can see this will impact on not only the few remaining rallies for this year but also going forward into rallies for 2021. Attached are: Initial Email of 21st July from...
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Latest Club Update on Rallies

Club update 27 July 2020. As already told to members Centres can look at restarting rallies from 7th August. We also received specific Risk Assessment forms for rally and Covid precautions, some questions for which raised severe concerns for the committee and members, and showing due concern for everyone, these points were questioned. In order to keep members fully informed, as we have tried to do all along, this is to let you know we have today received a response from the Club. The response is lengthy and detailed and will take a short while to go through to understand what this will mean for us all - members and marshals. All the information we have received from the Club, and copies of forms, will be published shortly on the Centre website as this will concern rally marshals for 2021 also. Look for "what is new" on the website and this should take you to the page you want. Please bear...
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Rally Cancellation

We have sadly, and reluctantly, been informed that another of our rallies has now been cancelled. The marshals of "Up high and down low" at Fowlmere Village Hall, weekend 18 to 20 September are really sorry and will be getting in touch with all those booked on. Hopefully we may see this in the book next year as it would have been a new venue for us in 2020....
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Further Club Announcement on Rallies

The Centre committee has now been advised by the Club that rallies can re-commence from Friday 7th August 2020.  The date has been given with a very large HOWEVER at the end of the sentence, with very strict guidelines associated with the operation of any rally, which need to be carefully considered before deciding if we have the confidence to proceed with a rally. They have summarised the Government guidelines in allowing a gathering of more than 30 people, on the basis that: 1.       The gathering must have been organised by a business 2.       The person responsible for organising the gathering has carried out a very detailed risk assessment (**The risk assessment must satisfy the requirements of regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999(1), whether or not the gathering organiser is subject to those Regulations - this is therefore an equivalent risk assessment to that which is conducted within a workplace with employees) 3.       The gathering organiser has taken all reasonable measures to...
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Norfolk Centre Rallies

Norfolk Centre rallies. We now understand from the Norfolk Centre that they have cancelled July rallies as instructed by the Club but have also cancelled all their rallies for August....
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Committee Nominations & AGM

As the committee look ahead to the AGM in October, and the possibility of not much time for everyone to meet up, we have looked at another way members could get nominations in order to stand for committee for 2021. An electronic form has been put together and can be found on the AGM page. Nominations will be accepted by this or the form in the handbook. We are waiting for Club guidance on the actual running of the AGM meeting and will update members as soon as we hear further. All posts are open for nominations and if any questions please just ask. Janet Dobson, Secretary...
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July 2020 Newsletter

The third newsletter of 2020 has arrived! Keep up with the latest news and rally reports via the Suffolk Centre Newsletter. The July 2020 edition includes the following: Committee Reports Important membership updates from the secretary A little light humour to brighten even the dullest day Our Vice-chairman would like to hear from you Find the latest edition here...
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Club announcement on rallies

UPDATE FOR MEMBERS 29TH JUNE 2020 Following on from the Government announcement recently that the Club would be able to look at opening its sites and CLs from the 4th July, there had been no firm announcement with regard to the Centres of the Club and rallying.  A protocol document had been received by us earlier which led to the decision that we could not meet the requirements and the Centre Committee cancelling all rallies in our programme for July and August. Following the Government latest update, we subsequently received a message from the Club that due to issues raised in the announcement they were putting all Centres into a “holding” position and would update us further, and this is what was received today. It would appear that there was an unexpected provision factored into the guidance about “meeting up” which stated it would be illegal for gatherings of more than 30 people to take place.  This was stressed because this provision will...
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Club Announcement on rallies

The committee has received further information from CAMC HQ today (29th June) which they will need time to work through, so please bear with us. What we can tell members is, is that there is NO date as yet for rallies to re-start and in fact the Club has withdrawn the exemption certificate for all Centres (under which rallies can run) for the month of July. We have instructions that all rallies for this month are to be cancelled. Rallies due August onwards will be discussed by them on 20th July. We understand this is due to legal implications....
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Rally Cancellation

We have been advised that the Tangham campsite at Rendlesham is not opening at all this year. Therefore, we are very sad to announce that the Autumn Mists rally 24th-27th September has been cancelled. The marshals will be in touch will be in touch with everyone who has booked on....
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Invitation Rally Cancellation

We  have been advised that North Essex Centre are cancelling all of their August rallies, therefore the invitation to the Chairladys Charity Rally over the August Bank Holiday, which is in our program, has also been cancelled....
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Cancellation of Rallies to 31st August.

The Suffolk Committee has had to make some very hard decisions having received updated information from the Club on Covid-Secure Guidance. The whole nature of a rally will be altered and there will be many aspects that can not go ahead such as social gatherings – even flagpole. The wellbeing and safety of all our members is our first consideration. A rally is a sociable event, we are sociable people, and so we have taken the hard decision to cancel all Suffolk rallies for July and August 2020. A full statement from the committee, with a summary of the guidance can be read here...
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Virus Update

To those of you who may have seen the update on the Club website and the many comments in social media groups, nothing has changed from the post on here of 8th June, below. No actual date has been given by Government for caravan parks/sites etc. as yet. As a Centre, we will have to wait for specific information/guidelines and look at each rally still in the programme, to make sure it is viable and all requirements can be followed. All our venues are different. All we do know is that we will be asked to follow social distancing and social gathering restrictions. Some Centres have already cancelled their programmes for July, some August and some possibly further ahead. As soon as we know more, so will you. We have received some brief information from the Club to Centres to update the current position. The Club is working towards a possible re-open date of 4 July in line with the Governments...
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Sad News

We are sad to report that we have received information that of our past ralliers - Frank Colbear  passed away on 31st May. Frank and Connie rallied for many years with the Centre and was also a marshal on many of the rallies. Our thoughts are with his family and friends....
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Rally Cancellation

We are sorry to have to inform members that the Whiskey Galore rally 10th to 12th July has now been cancelled. The marshals will be contacting everyone booked on the rally and are sorry not to be able to run it this year....
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Sad News

We are sad to report that we have received information on two of our past ralliers - Len and Dorothy Theadom. We understand that Dorothy passed away on 28th April at 90 years old, followed by her husband Len in hospital on 10th April at 92 years old. Len and Dorothy rallied for many years with the Centre, records show over 300 rallies, and our thoughts are with their family and friends. We have been advised that if any of our members wish to leave a message of condolences, they can do that on the funeral directors website, which is You can also go direct to their condolence page by clicking here     ...
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Rally Cancellation

We are sorry to have to inform members that the Nowton Park rally due 24 to 26 July has now been cancelled. There were various factors we had to consider.  The marshals will be contacting everyone booked on the rally and are sorry not to be able to run it this year....
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Rally Cancellation

We have been informed that the Debenham Music Festival for 2020 has been cancelled. Therefore the Centre rally running alongside this event has also been cancelled and we understand the marshals will be making contact shortly with all those booked on the event/rally....
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Virus Update

No doubt we are all wondering what will happen next following the announcements this past weekend. As yet nothing "official" has come through to the Centre but there is updated information on the Clubs own website. I am sure once the Club has digested the new guidance and what it means for us as a whole we will be told, and information will be passed onto members as soon as we hear. Janet Dobson Secretary...
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Rally Cancellation

We are sorry to have to inform members that the Crowfield rally due 3 to 5 July (Independence Day) has now been cancelled. There were various factors we had to consider, plus the committee at the Village Hall have now told us that all such bookings have been cancelled for the rest of the year. The marshals will be contacting everyone booked on the rally and are sorry not to be able to run it this year....
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Anglo-Saxon Rally Cancellation

Whilst we don't know when we will be allowed to rally again, the marshal's for the Anglo-Saxon rally 3rd-5th July, had an agreement with the site to confirm numbers by a certain date, which they are unable to do. Therefore they have had to make the difficult decision to cancel this rally....
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It is with great sadness that we have to pass on a message that has been received from Ian Button. He has advised us that John Eves has sadly passed away in the last few days, our thoughts are with the families and friends at this time. Further information will be published when it is received.    ...
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The second newsletter of 2020 has arrived! Keep up with the latest news and rally reports via the Suffolk Centre Newsletter. The May 2020 edition includes the following: Committee Reports A little light entertainment Presentation of marshals Hi-Vis Vests from Birchwood Caravan Services Ltd Presentation of charity funds raised for East Anglian Air Ambulance Find the latest edition here...
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Sad News

It is with great sadness that we have to pass on a message that has been received from Trevor Hook (a past chairman). He has advised us that sadly Ken Fordham who was a Centre Vice Chairman, passed away at 4 p.m 28/04/2020. Further information will be published when it is received....
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Official Facebook Page

The Suffolk Centre has launched its official Facebook page and closed group.  This page and group is for Suffolk Centre members to keep in contact with the centre and for the centre to pass on any news or information that might be of interest to it’s members.  Please ensure you follow the Facebook page. The group is limited to Suffolk Centre members and will run alongside the existing “Friends  Of “ Facebook group. All paid members, with a valid email address, should be receiving an email inviting them to join the group and follow the Facebook page. When requesting to join the closed group, please ensure you provide your membership number and confirm acceptance of the rules, failure to complete these will delay acceptance of your joining request. If you have not received the email then please search for ‘Suffolk Centre, Caravan and Motorhome Club’. The Facebook page will then give you an option to join the closed group. In the event you encounter any...
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Email Failure

*****UPDATE******** We have been advised that the email system should be working again. If anyone experiences any issues making contact, then please advise any committee member so that it can be investigated further. Please note that the Centre email addresses have stopped working. We have reported this to the service provider, Hostings UK, who are working to re-instate the service as soon as possible. However we have been advised that in the current climate, it could be several days before the issue is resolved. If you need to contact one of the club officers please use their phone number that can be found in the rally book....
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Rally Cancellation.

The Suffolk Centre committee has now received guidance from the centre advising that no Club rallies are to be held until after 30th June 2020. Therefore the following rallies are being cancelled, Flixton, Tattingstone, French Holiday, Bromeswell and Clare Priory. All those booked to attend will be contacted by the marshals involved....
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Closure of all UK Club Sites

 The Caravan and Motorhome Club has now announced closure of all it's sites, including CL's, with immediate effect until 30th June 2020.  Those with future bookings will be contacted.  Arrangements will be made with those on site re their departure. A full notice is on the Club's website.  As yet we wait to hear on outcome for the Club's Centres....
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

The Suffolk Centre committee has now received information on the Club/Rallies.  We understand that the National event, end of May, has been cancelled and those attending will be contacted in due course.  The Club site network remains open and they are not advising, at this time, that rallies should be cancelled.  However, all social events associated with a rally should not proceed – anything such as a Dinner Dance or other form of social gathering should be cancelled or postponed.  All meetings in enclosed spaces (such as committee meetings) are to be postponed.  This we have done but will arrange reports via email to keep members updated. However, whether a rally should run or not is being left to Centres, and taking advice, looking at the current Government advice, what other Centres are doing, Suffolk Committee has taken the very hard decision to cancel all rallies in our programme to the weekend of 1st June.  This will involve:  Peewit at Felixstowe, Forest Camping at Tangham, VE Day at...
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Mother’s Day Rally

Due to the low number of people attending and the costs involved in hiring the hall and entertainment. The Marshalls have made the difficult decision to cancel this rally. The Marshalls are currently contacting those centre members that were due to attend....
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The first newsletter of 2020 has arrived! Keep up with the latest news and rally reports via the Suffolk Centre Newsletter. The March 2020 edition includes the following: Rally report from the 1st Rally Of The Year Rally report from Burns Supper Rally Rally Report from Valentines Rally Report from Natter & Chatter Details of Forthcoming Rallies Presentation of charity funds raised for East Anglian Air Ambulance Find the latest edition here...
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Details of all the sporting and non-sporting competitions that will be held at this year’s National at Belvoir, have been released. The Activities and Competitions 2020 document can be found here. The President’s Cup will, once again, be awarded to the Centre gaining most points awarded for their members’ participation in these activities and competitions.  Teams for most competitions can be made up at the event – other groups and individuals that would like to take part will be made into teams whenever possible – everyone is welcome. ...
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Are you looking for the Rally Slips on the website and unable to find them? Whatever page you are on, if you scroll to the very bottom, you will find a link to the rally slips under More Links in the green banner. Alternatively you can find them by clicking here...
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It is with deep sadness that we have to advise that Jan Fitch passed away peacefully on Saturday 18th January at 17.30. She was diagnosed with cancer in December 2019. Jan's funeral will take place at Weeley Crematorium, Essex on Thursday 13th February at 3.30pm. It was Jan's wish that black is not necessarily to be worn. Our thoughts are with Paul and his family at this very sad time....
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It is with deep sorrow that we inform you about the death of  Ken Syzling, who passed away peacefully yesterday. Known by many members, Ken was a regular attendee on the rally field and supporter of the  centre for many years. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time. Ken's funeral will be held at the West Suffolk Crematorium, Bury St Edmunds, on Tuesday 18th February 2.30pm. Then afterwards at Three Kings, Fornham All Saints, Bury St Edmunds. Donations in memory of Ken, can be made to the Suffolk Punch Trust....
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2020 Handbooks

These are now in the process of being despatched but we have several different ways of getting your copy to you this year so please be patient while we work through everyone. The program is on the website as well. If you haven't had your copy by mid January then please let me know. Please check spam boxes to make sure you have not missed any notification from us as well - especially Rally Marshals as your  information has gone out to you via email.  Many thanks Janet Dobson Secretary...
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AGM Update

Plans are well underway for the meeting Sunday 20th October. You will only be able to sign in if you are registered, if unsure then please ask Janet Dobson. Tea and coffee will be served, so don't forget to bring your own mugs with you....
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Front Cover Competition

Entries for the front cover of the 2020 handbook should be sent to me as soon as possible please. All photos must be in portrait layout only taking into account the normal wording that goes on each year. Please either post your entry size A5 or email me at Entries to be judged at the AGM. Alan Dobson Rally Secretary...
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AGM Update

Reminder to all that our AGM is Sunday 20th October at Trinity Park in Ipswich.  I have received notification of registered members and please note if you joined after 14th September you are most welcome to come along but cannot sign in or speak/vote.  For those August renewals who have not renewed to the Centre yet - quite a few of you - your details will have gone void by this time.  Please check your membership of the Centre with either myself or the Club.  I cannot renew Centre membership only through the Club. Nominations for committee are due to me by noon Sunday 6th October.  Any committee member can explain to you what is involved and new members with ideas are most welcome. View current nominations here. Janet Dobson Secretary  ...
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Sad News

It is with great sadness that the committee announces that Peter Wilson has tendered his resignation as Vice-Chairman. Peter's wife, Ineke, has recently been suffering from poor health and Peter feels he need to concentrate his efforts on looking after her for the foreseeable future.  The Committee wish them both the very best and look forward to seeing them back on a rally field soon....
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Nominations for the 2019/20 committee.

Nominations for the 2019/20 committee. Nominations for the 2019/20 committee are now being accepted. Please ensure all nominations are received by the Centre Secretary, Mrs J Dobson, no later than noon 14 days before the AGM. Incomplete or late nominations cannot be accepted. View current nominations here....
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Flagpole – What is?

Some ralliers have recently been asking about flagpole and its purpose. Flagpole is the name given to the informal gathering that takes place at each rally. This is an opportunity for all the ralliers to assemble and publicly thank the Marshals. Each rally only takes place due to people volunteering to give up their time for the benefit of other members. Therefore please take this opportunity to show the Marshals your appreciation. This is also your opportunity to hear the latest news and updates on club activities. Flagpole is usually conducted by a senior Committee Member who is on the rally.  ...
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Volunteers Wanted for 2020

Due to some marshals retiring and steady demand, the Centre Committee are looking for volunteers to help us run more rallies in 2020. We already have some fresh ideas and events planned and would like to involve more members in the running of the Centre programme. It would be great to use some of the venues from past years and also explore new places and ideas. We have lots of contacts and all the support necessary to help you run an event however small in 2020. If you are a Suffolk Centre member and would like to be a Rally Marshal, or just prefer helping another Marshal run a Rally, please speak to our Rally Secretary or any Committee member and they will put you in touch with the Rally Secretary....
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2019 Rally Slips

New rally slips have been designed for 2019. Please ensure that you use the new slips and destroy any old versions. You can rally without Suffolk membership, Suffolk Rally slips can be used but where it says centre it should be completed as Club Member....
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At our AGM in October 2018 mention was made of the use of splitters where EHU is available on rallies. After further discussion and with the advice from our Anglia Region this is to make members aware that connecting cables and splitters are not to be used on the rally field. The following has come from Club office. “The Clubs stance regarding the compliance with the ‘Electrical Wiring Regulations’ and the updated requirements is that a cable supplying a caravan must be of one single length, without any connections (including splitters).  These rules are the current wiring regulations and information is also stated in the Sites Directory, that no cable connections joining two or more cables together are permitted. Guests are welcome to have an electric cable plugged in from their outfit into their awning, like many do for heaters etc.” This applies to both members and marshals as sometimes sites allow marshals access to an electric point, which is useful for...
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