Hi my name is Chris Stammers and I am the Sports Officer for the Suffolk Centre of The Caravan Club.

The Suffolk Centre of The Caravan Club has a sports programme and we always need participants as well as supporters. This year we have numerous events that include fun and competition sports. We are always keen to challenge our rival Centres at The National Rally and as in previous years, I would like to get as many Suffolk members involved as I can.

Come and join us locally at a rally and participate in some of the fun and more competitive events throughout the coming year.

Please Contact me if you are passionate about sports by emailing sports@suffolkcentre.co.uk

Chris Stammers

2017 National at Sandringham

The National at the end of May 2017 was well supported by Suffolk members where we joined in with the Anglia Region in a section overlooking the CAMC Village.

This event was well organised with plenty to keep all ages busy. The arena had a vast array of acts and the evening shows offered a variety of entertainment. Suffolk had many successes in Craft, Photography, Darts, Cribbage and Sport, Many thanks to all those who took part. There were also several of our four legged members taking part in the Dog Show, but unfortunately the judges didn’t share our views on the adorability of our pets.

Another report from The National can be found here.

Suffolk Centre’s winning Volleyball Team

Suffolk Centre’s winning Walking Football Team

Wendy Johnson with Caravan and Motorhome Club Chairman Grenville Chamberlain

Pictures courtesy of Andy Gaffer and Janice Kent.


Three companies have generously donated funds to promote Suffolk Centre Sports.

The funding for two Football kits was donated by PARK RESORTS.

Netball tops have been donated by DANES DRY CLEANERS.

We have also received a donation from ACCESS SECURITY for an additional football kit.


Thank you to all three companies!