These can also found in the Suffolk Centre Rally Handbook.


Please return these in good time, allowing at least two days in the post. Rally marshals endeavour to plan for your pleasure – please help them by booking in good time. It is helpful if you can estimate your time of arrival. If you book and find you are unable to attend, please notify the rally marshal as soon as possible. See centre rule 4.  Some rallies also provide an email address where enquiries and rally slips may be sent to. 
Late alterations to rally details can only be sent to those who have booked in time.
If you are likely to have friends or family visiting you over the rally and you would like them to stay for the social, PLEASE check with the marshals BEFORE the rally to avoid any embarrassment.


Rally and site fees are stated if possible.  Your envelope given to you on arrival will detail the fees involved and you can always contact the marshal prior to the rally to enquire. Payment is then due by cash please. Extra charges, when known in advance, appear in the booklet.


Following advice from Club offices we wish to make it clear on refunds when a rally asks for deposits/full payments.

  1. Rallies run abroad will have their own set of instructions and terms and conditions.
  2. Rallies run alongside another organisation that you are booking with. It should be that that organisation will have their own Terms and Conditions which should be given on booking and will apply to any refunds. Application should be made to them, not via Suffolk marshals or committee.
  3. For a Centre rally you should be advised by marshals:
  4. If rally deposits are refundable or non-refundable at the time of booking.
  5. If deposits are refundable it should state under what circumstances/timescale.
  6. If deposits are non-refundable members can always apply to Committee, via the Centre Secretary, if they feel their personal circumstances warrant this to be set aside and a refund made.

If the Centre has to cancel a rally, then all deposits are refundable. The above also covers where full payment is being asked for, or has been made.

In the case of cancellation by a member 2 weeks before the commencement of the rally an administration charge may be deducted before issuing any refund. After that date the entire deposit will become NON REFUNDABLE.


S.C.C.C. rally direction signs will be put up where possible. Owing to vandalism and the possibility of signs being moved or misdirected, we ask members to take care in villages and populated areas and to follow the directions prepared by the rally marshal.  Most rallies in the book given a location via  This gives a precise location and is used by the emergency services.  By using street view you can get a visual of the location before you set out.  All rallies commence at 4p.m. And close Sunday evening unless otherwise stated. Members wishing to arrive before or leave after those times should  consult the rally marshal before the rally. 

Please site your caravan with the front offside corner over the peg unless otherwise directed by the rally marshal. Own sanitation is required at all rallies. Please observe the arrangements for waste/chemical toilet disposal and take dry rubbish home with you.
Remember at all times to observe the caravan and country codes which we all undertake to do when joining the club.

Centre rally site rules are invariably those applicable to club sites.
Gazebos are only permitted to be erected and used by the rally marshals for the benefit of the rally.


Information about rallies or individual events organised by Suffolk Centre can be obtained by contacting our Rally Secretary. For information on other Centre activities this can be requested from our Centre Secretary.  The Secretary also holds various Centre handbooks electronically and it is often worth seeing if a copy is held and this can be emailed to you.


Centre officers and committee members invite members to discuss Centre and Club matters with them. Suggestions for future events, new rally sites and offers to act as host or marshal are particularly welcome.


All rallies should have the Post Code included within their details. Please make yourself familiar with these details, as they may be required in the case of an emergency. If you require details of Post Codes which are not printed, then please contact the rally marshals.


All persons attending rallies and social functions do so entirely at their own risk. No responsibility for persons or property is accepted by the organisers (i.e. The Caravan Club) or their insurers.


 Last updated 29/12/2022.