My role as Chairman of Suffolk Centre comes to an end in October after three years. I have grave concerns, whether we will still have a Suffolk Centre Caravan Club into next year.
When I joined the Centre some thirty plus years ago, not knowing what it was about, I soon met people from all walks of life, who made us welcome as a family.
In them early days we were spoilt for choice as to where to go, with most weekends two or even three rallies to choose. Nowadays we are lucky to have one rally on at any given time. We have twenty-four rallies this year, organised by thirteen sets of Volunteer Marshals. Some running one rally, others doing two, three or even more.
I know time for most people is special as they lead a busy life, also nowadays there is so much more to do in what leisure time is available, so rallying or even thinking about getting involved with rallies, come down the list of priorities.
If you thought you could get more involved in organising or even coming to a rally, there is help out there from our committee, who will steer you in the right direction. Just go to the front of the rally book and their names and contact details are there.
Talking about committee, we are struggling there also. As I said at the being of the letter, I will be standing down as Chairman, as normal procedure. For a Centre to function, we have to have at least a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two others. All roles are a one-year commitment and positions are elected from the AGM meeting. I know, that along with me, there are at least two other members of the committee standing down.
We are now at a delicate position with Suffolk Centre. We are not getting support from members attending rallies. We do not have enough venues or people to organise events for us. Also, people are not coming forward to serve on the committee. I know it’s nice to go away for the weekend or even a holiday and have everything laid on for you, but those people have given their time for you to enjoy your time away.
We as a centre, are not alone with problems I have outlined. Other centres have had similar problems and are no longer, as they have gone into Hibernation. Once this happens, there is very little chance that the Centre could reform.
In 1914 a famous saying was announced to the British Public by Lord Kitchener “YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU”
What I am saying is “YOUR CENTRE NEEDS YOU” or we will be no more!!!
We need new ideas and commitments coming from our members, so give it some thought, before it is too late!!
Ron King
Suffolk Centre, CAMC