Message from our Chairman

Another year has flown by as I begin my fourth term as Chairman of Suffolk Centre. I never expected to go beyond three years as your chairman, but things as they are, I am here for another year.

For 2025, myself and other members from last years committee, plus a couple of new faces have stepped up to the plate, so the centre can function for at least another year. It is hoped that one or two people might be co-opted on to the committee to do a pacific role and also some members have offered their time, without being on the committee.

Although we are struggling to get marshals to come forward to run Suffolk Centre rallies, our Rally Secretary has had help from other centres within the Anglia Division. Between the rally secretaries they have been able to share rallies via invitation and put on a varied programme to choose from in 2025.

As in other years, I have nominated East Anglian Air Ambulance as the chosen Charity for 2025. Also, a big thank you goes to the members who supported the charity in 2024 at various rallies.

After last year’s problems with the rally book, we have appointed a new printing company to produce our book for the centre this year. After much discussion, it was decided that the club will be introducing a new type of rally book. It will be loose sleeved, fitting into an A5 sized clip folder and also will be available in PDF form, which will be printable.

Without our advertisers supporting us in the rally book with their business, products and services the costs would be significantly higher to the centre to produce a programme. Thank you for supporting Suffolk Centre.

The front cover photograph was taken at the Back at the Suffolk Punch Trust rally at Hollesley by Dave Sanders.

Denise and I intend to support as many rally and events as possible through 2025, meeting old friends and making friends with new members.

Ron King


Suffolk Centre, CAMC