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May 2019
A Meare Weekend in Thorpeness
A really good Bank Holiday rally once again with a different set of marshals. Pleased to see a trainee in action, thanks to Mike and Sallyann Biggs. Good turnout around 46 vans with one 1st rallier and 7 visitors. Lovely site within walking distance of the centre and the Meare. One downpour didn’t seem to stop anyone and once the sun returned so did the BBQ’s. New marshals have come forward for next year. Thanks to all involved. Janet and Alan Dobson
Find out more »August 2018
The Cliff Top Holiday Rally
Summer Holiday Time..... 10 days on the Cliff Top at Thorpeness including the Aldeburgh Carnival and Thorepeness Regatta. Thank you to the Marshalls and all their helpers for providing an excellent program of events, including Bingo, Quiz Night, Cream Teas and Tie Dyeing for the Children. Thorpeness Carnival and Lantern Parade Rally Quiz Night, Cream Tea and Early Morning Swim Tie Dyeing, Sandcastle Competition and Evening Band Thorepeness Regatta Illuminated Floats and Fireworks
Find out more »July 2018
An action packed weekend with two amazing bands in the evenings, archery, rifle shooting and various activities for adults and children during the days, and wonderful weather. A weekend not to be missed. A very big thank you to everyone who supported our Hotdog and Burger stall at the 50th birthday rally. With your help we were able to raise £155.00 for the Chairman's Charity. Again many thanks Derek and Sheena
Find out more »June 2018
Party Time At Crowfield
An excellent rally, making full use of the hall, several birthdays were celebrated, Tony Reed’s 65th on Thursday 7th, Natasha Terry’s on Friday 8th, Alan Dobson’s on Saturday 9th , Dave Otto’s 65th on Saturday 2nd June, and Margaret Kidd’s on Monday 11th, a fun quiz along with wine & cheese on Friday night, a real party atmosphere on Saturday night with New Era Disco who played the tunes that us re-cycled teenagers could remember which got a lot of…
Find out more »May 2018
A Meare Weekend in Thorpeness
Once again an excellent rally at Thorpeness Ogilvie Pavilion and Sports Ground. Thanks must go to Mark and Rachel Gowers for putting marshals together for this rally following Diane Preston being unable to run it due to the sad loss of John earlier this year. The weather threw much of a normal English Bank Holiday at us, wind, rain, showers and sunshine. A short stroll into the main village area saw most people wandering around to do the quiz which…
Find out more »Rede Hall
This is a lovely venue with an enthusiastic owner Nigel Oakley who is quite a character, this was a special weekend and our marshals Janice & David and Janice & Brian invited us to a Royal Wedding Party and the FA Cup Final pie & a pint, the wedding was shown on a large screen TV in the event shelters, ably set up by John, David and Mark, we all dressed the part for this royal wedding, some of these…
Find out more »The Forest Rally
A week away in the lovely site at Rendlesham, was made even better by the Marshals ordering up such great weather. Roy Lee celebrated his 85th birthday on the 4th May and Janet Dobson presented Roy with a Birthday Cake (see photo). It was also Dennis & Pat Winters 60th Wedding Anniversary as well as Dennis’ Birthday. So lots to celebrate. Janet & Karen laid on a great feast as can be seen, which was enjoyed by all the members.…
Find out more »Chill at the Mill Rally
Following our successful visit to Kersey Mill last year (see page 4 of Volume 2 Issue 11—September 2017 Newsletter), we were once again invited back to see the progress made on restoring Kersey Mill. A tour of the Mill was arranged on Saturday and most of the Members from the 41 Units attended. Considerable progress has been made and our Chairman was able to present over £800 to Steve & Allison de Lara-Bell as a donation of the Site Fees.…
Find out more »April 2018
Top Of The Pops Rally
A huge thanks to everyone who came along to the first Top of the Pops rally on 27-29 April at Sutton. After tea and coffee on Friday evening we had a music themed quiz from the 50’s up to the 00’s, well done to the winning team, hope you liked the sweets. After a relaxing day on Saturday (a little rain), we opened the hall for a good old fashioned disco with DJ Gary. The amazing array of costumes was…
Find out more »September 2017
Oktoberfest 2017
A weekend of Oktoberfest... Another fantastic Oktoberfest rally. Huge well done to the marshals, Nigel, Kim, Lynne and Barry. The Colchester band were marvellous and everybody was up dancing, swaying and thoroughly enjoying the festivities. Can’t wait till next year now. Andy and Sarah Pedder.
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