We have received a message from one of our longstanding members, Ivan and Carol Hook, via Chris Sanderson, as they have decided to call it a day. Their message is below.

Dear friends – after much soul searching we have decided it’s now the time to retire from our life as caravaners. Not an easy decision to make, as we have met some wonderful and lovely people and we know how much we will miss their company and friendship, gained over the forty years plus staying on club sites or on rally’s.

Our first caravan was an ABI Monza which proved a lovely starting point for us. Compared to modern caravans it’s features were somewhat basic with foot operated water pump and the like but to us it was the bee’s knees.

We joined The Caravan Club as most caravaners do to enjoy its many benefits – club sites and competitive insurance etc. Our first taste of rallying was as members of the EACA (East Anglian Camping Association).
Our introduction to the Suffolk Centre was as a result of meeting with Don and Jean Alcock, who were Carols uncle and aunt. This was the start of the many wonderful friendships we made during our Suffolk rallying years.
Despite being related to Don, we never achieved the status of winning the Don Alcock trophy for the most rallies attended in a season. We came close one year, but our dear friends, Peggy and Roy Lee just beat us and we had to settle for second place.

So friends we wish you continued happy caravanning (or motor homing) days ahead and hope it gives you the wonderful times it gave us.

Carol and Ivan Hook